What Goes On In The Mouth (Continued)


Teeth grinding or Bruxism is one of the most common sleep disorders. Last year most of us experienced it more then ever with Covid related stress. We had never seen so many broken teeth in one single year! Besides teeth fractures, grinding your teeth can cause muscle pain, headaches, TMJ disfunctions.

It can lead to:

Jaw pain and stiffness
Clicking or popping of jaw joints
Sensitive, loose or broken teeth
Headaches and earaches


Teeth grinding is common among children – it may be a response to teething pain or when they feel stressed.

Similarly in adults, teeth grinding and clenching often happens at times of stress, anxiety, or concentration. It may also be related to an abnormal bite which means the teeth do not meet properly when the jaw closes. Bruxism can also be a side effect of certain medications, including some antidepressants. Other factors may be related to fatigue, alcohol consumption, snoring and sleep apnea.

It is important to have this condition diagnosed and treated with night-guards, aligning the misaligned teeth, special exercise, massage or even Botox injections.

But we all have to remember to manage our stress levels by learning relaxation techniques and taking time for self care!


It probably happened to all of us at least once – late dinner with fatty foods and alcohol and heartburn later then…we go to sleep – acid reflux happens when stomach acid escapes to the throat and mouth. At night the stomach secrets acid at rates two to three times higher then during the day, which causes more gastric contractions. Waking up with the sore throat can be a sign of acid reflux. Over long period of time with unmanaged acid reflux it can have a great negative effect on your teeth – causing erosion, sensitivity and …cavities!


This happens when not enough saliva is produced for normal functions. With age, the body does not produce as much fluid and that includes the mouth. When sleeping the body naturally avoids producing too much saliva in order to decrease the frequency of swallowing.

 So, why is dry mouth such a concern in dentistry? Saliva is the natural and most beneficial asset of the mouth. It not only provides lubrication for chewing, moisture, and cleansing, but also the important

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